Unity and the Asset Store

Unity and the Asset Store

I am now in the Unity Asset Store.

After four years I finally decided to dust of the good old blog to write about my latest work. The last few years have been exciting.I ditched Flash (we had a good run) and tested the waters of the Objective-C world (which was fun, but short lived).
But the majority of my last years was spent on JavaScript and HTML5 games.
Game Dev has been the backbone of my work ever since. To cut a long story short, I eventually ended up learning Unity and C#.

But except for the occasional forum post and my usual ramblings on Twitter, I haven’t shared much of my work lately. Enter the Unity Asset Store.

What an amazing outlet for your one-off ideas, partial projects and clever scripts. I started my publisher profile, and uploaded my first projects in no time. And although there were a few gotchas on the way, publishing (and monetizing) my work was dead simple.
As of now I uploaded three different projects to the store.

  • dtween, an animation library comparable to TweenMax or Tweener.
  • Planet Plane, a pixel art asset set with various animations.
  • Two Tone City, a set of pixel art buildings / trees and characters, with the restriction of only using two colors to draw them.

All of them have been a great way to learn more about C#, art and Unity. To keep keep me motivated, I decided to sell them for a few dollars (although that might change in the future).
But mostly I’m trying to improve my work. Engaging with a community is always fun, and I look forward to reading your feedback once again.

Happy coding,

Pixel Painter

Last week my first iPhone app Pixel Painter has finally been approved by Apple and is now available on the App Store.

Pixel Painter is a bare bones drawing application that allows you to create pixel art on the go. It features a 1x1px pen tool, a color picker, an eraser tool, an image position tool and an image lock and zoom tool. Your finished image can than be saved as PNG. If you are into Pixel Art, this app might be for you.

You can download Pixel Painter from the following URL:

Developing the app was a great learning experience and I’m very eager to share some common pitfalls in iOS development. The next few posts might focus on developing for the iOS platform and especially the transition from ActionScript to Objective-C.

Web Apps – canvas clock

These are two iOS Web App clocks.

Both were build using the HTML5 canvas tag and offline caching capabilities. Both are free to download. I hope you enjoy them.


If you own an iOS device you can perform the following steps to add one of the apps to your Home screen:

  • Click on the app icon
  • Tap the bookmark sign
  • Tap “Add to Home screen”

The app icon will be added to your Home screen.


You can also download the source code via GitHub: https://github.com/MRWUT4/canvas-clock

DoGesture v1.03 – bugfix

Here is a quick bugfix for my motion tracking framework DoGesture.

This version eliminates a class name conflict that appeared if you compiled the framework for Flash Player version 10.2+ using the Flash IDE.

In existing projects, change the class name GestureEvent to DoGestureEvent and everything should work as before.

DOWNLOAD – DoGesture v1.03 (180 KB)


